Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs) and other planning guidance are not part of the statutory Development Plan, but are an important consideration when we're deciding on planning applications.

Approved guidance

Air Quality Supplementary Planning Document 

The Air Quality Supplementary Planning Document (PDF Document, 1.16 Mb)(SPD) sets out the circumstances in which we require planning applications to be supported by an air quality assessment.  It also provides information on the scope of assessment required, depending on the type, scale and location of development.

We have prepared an Adoption Statement (PDF Document, 0.1 Mb), which confirms that the SPD was adopted by Local Plan Committee on 18 October 2023.  This SPD was amended following public consultation on a draft version of the document.  We received two responses to the consultation:

First Homes Interim Policy Statement

The First Homes Interim Policy Statement sets out how the Council will implement First Homes in its planning decisions until such time as the policy approach for First Homes is established through the Local Plan Review. The Statement aims to:

  • show how the First Homes policy will work in practice;
  • help the Council’s Housing Team to maintain the affordability of First Homes and also limit the impact on other affordable and social rented tenures; and
  • clarify the Council’s application of its local connection criteria.

The Statement was agreed as guidance by Cabinet on 28 February 2023. 

Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Document

The Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) provides further detail about the application of the affordable housing policies in the Local Plan. Amongst other things, it  deals with recent changes in Government policy, arrangements for commuted payments in lieu of on-site affordable housing and rural exception site proposals.

The SPD was adopted by Local Plan Committee on 9 December 2021, as confirmed in the Adoption Statement, following public consultation on a draft version of the document. We received four responses to the consultation. 

In September 2022 paragraph 2.14 of the SPD was amended to reflect the approach to greenfield and brownfield sites in adopted Local Plan Policy H4. The version above includes this clarification. 

Village Design Statements

We have adopted two village design statements - for Diseworth and Appleby Magna.  Where appropriate these documents may be taken into account as a material consideration when we're determining planning applications.

Diseworth Village Design Statement (2021)

An updated Diseworth Village Design Statement (2021) was adoped by Local Plan Committee on 27 January 2021 following public consultation. The following 7 responses were received during the public consultation.

Appleby Magna Village Design Statement

Appleby Magna Village Design Statement (PDF Document, 8.69 Mb)

Good Design Supplementary Planning Document

 The Good Design SPD was adopted by the Council on 25 April 2017 following public consultation.

It provides support to the Design Policies set out in the Local Plan.

Cycling Strategy Supplementary Planning Document

Policy IF1 of the adopted Local Plan (Development and Infrastructure) and policy IF4 (Transport Infrastructure and new development) identify that, amongst other matters, the council will seek the provision of new cycleways as part of new developments.

To support this Cycling Strategies have been prepared for both Coalville and Ashby de la Zouch.  These identify a number of potential routes across and through both areas together with the measures required to implement them. 

The Strategies were adopted as SPDs on 12 September 2018.

Cycling Strategy SPD - Part 1 (Coalville)

Cycling Strategy SPD - Part 2 (Ashby de la Zouch) (PDF Document, 0.68 Mb)

In adopting the Ashby de la Zouch cycling strategy, the Council agreed that there may be an alternative route to section 20-22 as set out below:

Alternative to Sections 20-22 (PDF Document, 2.84 Mb)

A Consultation Statement and an Adoption Statement have both been prepared to accompany the adoption of the SPDs.

Cycling Strategy SPD - Consultation Statement (PDF Document, 0.21 Mb)

Cycling Strategy SPDs - Adoption Statement (PDF Document, 0.18 Mb)

Shop Fronts and Advertisements Supplementary Planning Document

The Shop Fronts and Advertisements SPD was adopted by the Council in June 2019.

It supplements national and local planning policies relating to the conservation of the historic environment, the design of new development generally and the design of shop fronts specifically.

Statement of Requirements for Developer Contributions in Leicestershire

Leicestershire County Council has approved a 'Statement of Requirements for Developer Contributions in Leicestershire'. While we haven't approved this document, applicants are advised to look at this before submitting a planning application.

Leicestershire Planning Obligations Policy December 2014 (PDF Document, 0.78 Mb)

Last updated: Thu 9 November, 2023 @ 10:18