Partner Organisations

Here is a list of local companies that regularly work with our Building Control team through the LABC Partner Authority Scheme.

We cannot endorse any organisation contained on this list, and the relationships exist for no other purpose than the determination of Building Regulation applications in England and Wales.

Partner companies are not under any contractural obligation to use the scheme.

If prospective applicants employ any of the following organisations, they should satisfy themselves that they meet their own standards and expectations. We accept no responsibility for any disputes that may arise as a result of the use of this list.

Parner Name Contact Name Telephone Number Website

David Granger Architectural Design Ltd

Stuart Falder 01530 560939

Cresswell Property Surveys Ltd Antony Cresswell-Black 01664 494235

HSSP Architects Nick Cooper 01664 563288

ADP Projects cic Tim Beales 07944 282308

Last updated: Fri 26 June, 2020 @ 12:15