Many retailers in our town centre shopping areas and high streets reopened from Monday 12 April. Services and teams from across the council worked together to ensure these areas are safe and welcoming for shoppers wanting to support local businesses.
After staying at home and only visiting essential shops for a few months, we understand you may be hesitant to visit these areas. On this page you can find information about the measures we’ve put in place to help shoppers and businesses follow social distancing guidance, to help keep everyone safe.
Coalville and Ashby Town Centres
In order to help shoppers and businesses follow social distancing guidance in the Coalville and Ashby town centres, you can expect to see the following in these areas:
Floor markings (PDF Document, 0.1 Mb)
Signage (PDF Document, 0.1 Mb)
Hand sanitiser stations (PDF Document, 0.1 Mb)
Barriers are also in place where necessary.
We have also delivered a guide to businesses in Coalville and Ashby town centres to help them adapt their business and manage customers in a safe environment.
Trading Safely During COVID 19 Leaflet April 2021 (PDF Document, 1.37 Mb)
Other high streets/shopping areas
All businesses/employers should display a notice visibly in their shop windows or outside their store to show their employees, customers and other visitors that they have followed the COVID secure guidance:
Staying covid secure (PDF Document, 0.1 Mb)
Resources have also been made available to support all the other high streets and shopping areas in the district. Individual Parish Councils have been supplied with toolkits to help them prepare for the re-opening of non-essential shops in their parish.
From 24 July, face coverings must be worn in enclosed public spaces including shops, shopping centres and supermarkets.
Public toilets and Coalville Market
Coalville Market has reopened with social distancing measures in place.
Our public toilets in Coalville and Ashby de la Zouch town centres reopened on Monday 15 June, with charges removed to reduce hand contact and the need to use coins at the entrances.
Coalville public toilets are open on Tuesdays, Fridays and Saturdays, 10am till 3pm.
Ashby public toilets are open on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays, 10am till 3pm.
Parking charges and enforcement:
Car parking charges have been reinstated in all council car parks with contactless card payments only. A pay by phone system is also in the process of being set up.
All on-street car parking enforcements resumed on Monday 1 June.
Council car parks remain free beyond 1 July for NHS staff members, health and social care workers and NHS Volunteer Responders when on official duty. This will help support these key workers whilst they carry out essential work in our communities.
Eligible staff can get a free Government parking pass from their employer, NHS Trust or the Royal Volunteering Society. If you think you are eligible and are struggling to obtain a free parking pass from your employer, please contact us by emailing or telephone 01530 454545 and we will assist you.
For further information on the scheme, please visit the NHS free parking website.
Last updated: Tue 7 June, 2022 @ 12:47