Whenever development is carried out without the required planning permission, or it doesn’t properly follow the detailed plans or comply with planning conditions, serious harm can be caused to the environment or the way that people live.
Residents and businesses have a right to expect that harmful activities are dealt with effectively.
We can enforce against various planning breaches, including:
- Unauthorised display of advertisements or fly posting
- Unauthorised work to protected trees including trees in a Conservation Area
- Unauthorised work to buildings listed as being of special architectural or historic interest
- Work that materially affects the external appearance of some buildings
- Unauthorised demolition of certain buildings
- Unauthorised storage of certain quantities of hazardous materials
- Land or buildings that are in such a poor condition that they adversely affect the amenity of the area (untidy land or neglected buildings)
- High hedges providing they are evergreen or semi evergreen (planning enforcement cannot control other trees or become involved where tree roots are causing damage to property).
All enquiries or complaints must include your name and an address that we can use to reply to you. Anonymous complaints will not normally be processed.
What happens once I’ve complained?
Your complaint or enquiry will be treated in confidence. We aim to:
- Acknowledge written complaints or enquiries within three working days
- Inspect the site within twenty one days
- Write to advise you of the outcome of the initial investigation within 15 working days of receipt.
Related Documents (1)
- Enforcement Policy (PDF Document, 0.1 Mb)
Last updated: Mon 24 February, 2020 @ 15:41