Pre-Application Advice

If you wish to seek advice from one of our planners before making a formal planning application then you can apply for pre-application advice online.

Such advice is intended to streamline the planning process and remove delays by informing would be applicants of the issues associated with a development project.

It also provides an opportunity to outline the Council’s expectations and the provision of informal without prejudice opinion of the likelihood of success at the formal planning stage.

Please note that pre-application advice is an officers professional, informal opinion and does not constitute a formal or guaranteed outcome, nor prejudice the formal consideration of any application by the council against local and national planning policies and current guidance at the time a formal application is received.

This service will incur a fee and the fee varies depending upon the nature of the proposal.  

Please refer to our for a full list of requirements, fees and what out service includes within the Pre Application Advice Guidance 2024 (PDF Document, 0.2 Mb)

Both Minor and Majors pre-applications are accepted and are subject to a 6-8 week process. 

If the enquiry is submitted with insufficient information, then the 6-8 week time period will not commence until sufficient details are provided.

It is also recommended that you review the Adopted Good Design SPD (PDF Document, 5.05 Mb) before submitting a pre-application advice enquiry.

Minor and householder pre-application advice 

This minor pre-application service covers the following enquiries:

  • householder development - extensions/outbuildings
  • 1-9 dwellings
  • changes of use
  • advertisements
  • certificates of lawful use
  • development of up to 999 square metres
  • telecommunication development 

The quickest and easiest way to request pre-application advice and pay the fee is to complete our online form - Planning - Pre-Application Advice Form.

Major pre-application advice

This major pre-application service covers:

  • 10 or more dwellings
  • a proposed floor area of more than 1000 square metres
  • sites larger than one hectare

Our service has been split into two options:

  • Stage 1 – Overview
  • Stage 2 – Detailed

Within each stage there is the option for just a written response, or a written response and a meeting. Each stage receives a different level of service and therefore a different fee.

The quickest and easiest way to request pre-application advice and pay the fee is to complete our online form - Planning - Pre-Application Advice Form.

How to submit your enquiry and fee

The quickest and easiest way to request pre-application advice and pay the fee is to complete our online form - Planning - Pre-Application Advice Form.

You will need to have:

  • A digital location plan clearly identifying the correct location of the site
  • A digital sketch or outline drawing of the proposed plans, indicating the general layout of the site and size of the proposal (a photo of a document or a screen shot can be accepted for these as long as they are clear)
  • Ability to pay online

Are there any exemptions to fees?

The enquiries that would be excluded from the charging schedule would be limited to:

  • enquiries relating to Listed Building Consent
  • enquiries relating to discharge of conditions
  • requests from a Parish or Town Council for their own development
  • where the development is for the direct benefit of a registered disabled person.

Please note that we are no longer able to provide free advice or a site visit in relation to works to trees protected by Tree Preservation Orders or by virtue of being located in a Conservation Area.  We recommended that you seek your own independent arboricultural advice and then submit a formal application for works to trees in a Conservation area of works to a tree protected by a Tree Preservation Order.

Quick links

Please find links to the guidance and documents for pre-application advice below:

Last updated: Fri 5 April, 2024 @ 11:12