What is fly posting?

Fly-posting is the act of attaching advertising posters, signs, flyers or stickers, without permission, on lampposts, trees, litter bins or any other structure on the highway (roads and footpaths), including staking them in the grass verge. 

Fly posting has no formal definition - but generally it means the display of advertising material on buildings (Town and Country Planning Act 1990) and street furniture (Highways Act 1980) without the consent of the owner.

Anyone found fly posting could be issued with an instant fixed penalty notice for £225 per item - or prosecuted in the Magistrates Court.

It can range from, but is not exclusive to:

  • Notices for lost pets
  • Adverts for jumble sales
  • Election material
  • Finger boards to housing developments
  • Adverts for social and musical events.

Report fly posting

To report an issue online click here

Last updated: Thu 3 October, 2024 @ 11:46