Improvement plan agreed to drive up standards in council housing

Published: Fri 2 February, 2024

The management of council housing repairs in North West Leicestershire will be improved following a review by the district council.

North West Leicestershire District Council (NWLDC) is setting up an Improvement Board to review the service provided to tenants and a backlog of repairs.

The authority’s Cabinet agreed on Wednesday 31 January to set up the board to oversee changes in process, new IT systems and engagement with tenants following its own internal review.

The backlog in repairs is mainly due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, which affected the number and types of repairs that could be completed, especially during lockdowns.

The cost and supply of materials and the ability to recruit, especially to trade professions, has also impacted the authority’s work.

As well as introducing the Improvement Board, led by senior managers and reviewed by councillors, the council will also:

  • Invest £25.6 million in new contracts to speed up repairs*
  • Develop a new damp and mould policy
  • Improve communication about the causes of damp and mould and treatment
  • Benchmark itself against other housing providers on how it is progressing.

Councillors also heard the conclusion of scrutiny work into NWLDC’s response to damp and mould concerns and complaints.

Members of the Corporate Scrutiny Committee task and finish group recommended the introduction of a new policy, benchmarking of work against other authorities and improved communication for and with tenants.

During a private session of the meeting, where discussions are held without the public present for commercial reasons, Cabinet agreed to award nine contracts worth a total of £25.6 million over their lifetime to help the Housing service with a backlog of repairs following disruption caused by the pandemic.

Councillor Andrew Woodman, NWLDC Portfolio Holder for Housing, said: “We’re committed to providing the best service for our tenants, and know that in the past we haven’t always met their expectations or completed work to a standard they expect, so this is an important step in our approach to doing things differently.

“Council houses are not simply buildings, they’re people’s homes. The pandemic and inflationary pressures have affected our response times, our tenants and staff, but we’re on a path to recovery.

“Members of the Corporate Scrutiny Task and Finish Group really delved into the topic to understand how we can learn from others and improve our response to damp and mould. Their time and effort is greatly appreciated and will make a difference to our homes and the people living in them.”


Issued by the Communications Team at North West Leicestershire District Council. Contact us on 01530 454546 or email

Council budgets - Housing Revenue Account and General Fund

Repairs and investment work for council housing is funded from rental income – known as the council’s Housing Revenue Account.

The contracts, with £25.6 million over their lifetime to clear the backlog of repairs work will be funded from:

  • £16.6 million of capital budget
  • £9 million of revenue budget

The Housing Revenue Account is separate to the council’s ‘General Fund’ budget, which is funded through council tax, fees and charges and grant funding, and is used to fund all other services.