The Lachrimae Consort – An Entertainment of Elizabethan Music

Fri 19 July, 2024, 7pm to 9pm

“An Entertainment of Elizabethan Music”

The Lachrimae Consort returns with a wonderful evening programme which includes instrumental music and songs from the time of Queen Elizabeth and Shakespeare.

The “consort of six” became very popular following the Queen’s visit to Kenilworth Castle in 1575 when Lord Leicester employed the most famous musicians of the land. This new and unique combination of blown, plucked and bowed instruments (flute, lutes and viols) found a place in many noble households, especially if they were expecting a visit from the Queen! Sir Francis Walsingham, the Queen’s Secretary of State, maintained such a consort and his music books survive.

The evening’s programme is enhanced by entertaining readings, including some from the great Bard of Stratford-upon-Avon.

£8 per person

Doors 6:30pm. The Barn bar will be open for light refreshments.