Audit and Governance Committee

We have appointed an Audit and Governance Committee in accordance with the provisions set out in the Localism Act 2011.

The Committee consists of district councillors - with the option to co-opt parish council members if it is felt appropriate and relevant to the matters before the committee.

We've also appointed a pool of 'independent persons' to assist the committee with matters of conduct.

Monitoring Officer

Councils are required to appoint a monitoring officer to generally oversee the introduction and operation of the councillors' Code of Conduct, and to keep the statutory Register of Members Interests.

The Monitoring Officer’s duties include advising the Audit and Governance Committee on investigations or determination of complaints referred to it under the council’s arrangements.

The Monitoring Officer also has a duty to report to the council on any unlawful decisions or actions of the Executive. The Monitoring Officer is available to advise individual councillors about compliance with the Code of Conduct.

Members Code of Conduct

North West Leicestershire District Council has adopted a new Members Code of Conduct based on the Local Government Association Model Code, with some local amendments at the Council meeting on 24 February 2022. Guidance on the Code of Conduct can be found on the LGA website.

Register of councillors' Interests

All councillors (district and parish) are required to register their interests in a register kept by our Monitoring Officer.

The requirement to disclose interests are set down in the Localism Act 2011.

The sort of things that have to be registered are set out by Government regulations and included within the Members' Code of Conduct

The register also includes details of certain organisations that councillors belong to, whether nominated by the council, or in their own right, including public authorities or similar bodies, companies, industrial and provident societies, charities or similar bodies whose principle purposes include influencing public opinion or policy, and any Trade Union membership or membership of professional associations.

Register of Interests for both District and Parish Members are available online.

Declarations of interests - when are councillors required to leave meetings?

If anything comes up for discussion at any Council meeting (including any Committees, Sub-Committees or other meetings conducting Council business) in which the Councillor has an interest, including anything which is already registered on the Register of Interests, then the Councillor has to declare that interest to the meeting and ensure any new interest is recorded on their Register as necessary. 

Councillors have to consider whether their interest is of a financial nature falling within the statutory definition of a Disclosable Pecuinary Interest. Where such an interest exists the Councillor is statutorily forbidden from taking part in the matter and must leave the meeting before the matter is discussed.

There are certain circumstances when Members can still participate and advice should be sought from the Monitoring Officer on these points. 

Declaring Gifts and Hospitality

The Committee on Standards in Public Life report – Local Government Ethical Standards included a number of best practice recommendations.  One of those related to the Council publishing the Members’ Register of Gifts and Hospitality on line, in an accessible format and ensuring that it is regularly kept up to date.  Please click the link below for the latest Register of Gifts and Hospitality

Q4 - Register of Gifts and Hospitality - 2021-22 (PDF Document, 0.1 Mb)

Q4 Gifts and Hospitality Register 2022-23 (PDF Document, 0.1 Mb)

Q4 Gifts and Hospitality Register 2023 - 2024 (PDF Document, 0.1 Mb)

Q2 Gifts and Hospitality Register 2024 - 25 (PDF Document, 0.1 Mb)

Last updated: Thu 3 October, 2024 @ 15:49