Japanese Knotweed is a large perennial plant, it has been classified as an invasive species in several countries and costs the UK £150 million each year to treat.
It is the landowner’s responsibility to control Japanese Knotweed effectively.
There are two main ways of treating Japanese Knotweed in your garden:
- Chemical controls
- Non-Chemical controls
Further information on these control measures can be found on the Environment Agency website (please see link below)
- follow all good advice provided through the Environment Agency and Defra
- make sure that herbicides are used safely and correctly
- speak to your neighbours and work together to get rid of the Japanese Knotweed and share the costs
- ensure that any cuttings are disposed of correctly
- put cuttings in your green waste or compost bin
- put cuttings in your wheelie bin (or any other kerbside bin/box)
- take cuttings to a Waste Transfer Station or licensed tip (unless authorised to do so)
- fly tip cuttings
- accept topsoil from sources that have not been checked for Knotweed rhizome
- ignore or delay, early identification and treatment is essential
If you have Japanese Knotweed on your land you may be causing a private nuisance to surrounding properties. A private nuisance case could be brought against you by members of the public or land owning agent in the civil court. For advice, please speak to your local Citizens Advice Bureau.
The council has no legal enforcement powers it can use against landowners who do not deal with Japanese Knotweed growing on their land. Therefore, in the first instance you should speak to the landowner to address the problem.
Environmental Protection Act 1990 - Japanese Knotweed is classed as controlled waste under the Environmental Protection Act 1990 and it needs to be disposed of in accordance with official Environment Agency guidance designed to prevent the further spread of the plant. There are a number of licenced landfill sites you can use to dispose of Knotweed.
The Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (Section 14) - It is illegal to plant or otherwise cause to grow in the wild any plant listed on Schedule 9 of the Act. Offences under Section 14 carry a maximum penalty of a £5,000 fine and/or 2 years imprisonment on indictment (i.e. at Crown Court).
The police are responsible for investigating this offence.
Last updated: Tue 5 May, 2020 @ 16:53