The decision of Planning Committee to approve a planning application is not formally approved in law until the Decision Notice is issued.

The Strategic Director of Place (or his nominated officer) has delegated authority to sign Decision Notices.

Permitted subject to Section 106 Agreements

Sometimes an application will be given permission, subject to the applicant entering an agreement under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. 

A Section 106 Agreement means the developer will help to mitigate the impact of the development – this can include financial contributions to schools, health, libraries and public open spaces etc and may include transfers of land for no value.

The developer will need to sign a legal agreement that will secure the contributions agreed by committee.

Everyone who has an interest in the land (financial or otherwise) has to be included in the agreement and it can be a lengthy process to check the landownership and negotiate the specific terms of the agreement. It is only when the document has been agreed by all parties that the planning permission will be issued.

Find out how to challenge a planning decision

Last updated: Sat 16 December, 2023 @ 19:40