A non-dependant is someone who lives with you on a permanent basis and isn't dependent on you financially.

Non-dependants are people such as adult sons or daughters, other relatives or friends.

Some people don't count as non-dependants. These include:

  • Sub-tenants and boarders who rent a room from you on a commercial basis
  • Foster children
  • Children that you get Child Benefit for
  • Joint tenants or joint owners
  • People visiting you who normally live elsewhere
  • Carers employed by a charity that charges you for the service
  • Your landlord or landlady if they live in the same property as you.

How is my Housing Benefit and Council Tax Support affected?

The rules say we must take a set amount from your Housing Benefit and Council Tax Support for each non-dependant who lives with you.

Non-dependants should pay you something for their keep, and some of what they pay will be towards your rent or Council Tax.

We make a deduction because of this, even if your non-dependant doesn't actually give you any money.

A deduction is made for each non-dependant in your home. If your non-dependants are a couple, only one deduction is made for the couple, rather than one for each person.

Does money paid to me by non-dependants count as income in my claim?

No. This money isn't treated as your income - instead we make a fixed deduction from your Housing Benefit and Council Tax Support.

Are the deductions based on the amount that my non-dependant gives me?

No. The deductions are fixed sums laid down in law and local regulations, based on your non-dependant's weekly income.

What if my non-dependant doesn't pay me anything?

The rules say that the deduction still has to be made from your Housing Benefit and Council Tax Support.

People of pension age with non-dependants

There is a 26 week 'grace' period for people of pension age.

For example - if a non-dependant moves in with you, or a non-dependant already living with you starts to earn more money, we won't change your claim for 26 weeks. But please tell us as soon as the change happens.

Do you always make a deduction?

No. We don't make a deduction for non-dependants if you or your partner are:

  • Registered blind or have regained your sight in the last 28 weeks
  • Getting the Care element of Disability Living Allowance
  • Getting Attendance Allowance (or any benefit that is treated as Attendance Allowance)
  • Getting Personal Independence Payment (Daily Living component)
  • Getting Armed Forces Independence Payment.

Also, we don't make deductions when your non-dependant:

  • Is under 18
  • Normally lives somewhere else
  • Is in prison or other detention
  • Has been in hospital for 52 weeks or more
  • Is a youth trainee
  • Is in the armed forces and is deployed away from home
  • Is a full-time student (For Housing Benefit only, deductions will be made during the summer holidays if your non-dependant works over 16 hours a week and you're under pension age)
  • For Council Tax Support only, we don't make a deduction for any non-dependant who is also a 'disregarded person' for Council Tax.

How much are the deductions?

If your non-dependant is on a benefit shown below, we apply the following deductions.

Type of benefit Housing Benefit deduction Council Tax Support deduction
Pension Credit
Savings or Guarantee element £0 £0
Income Support
Aged 25 or over £19.30 £0
Aged under 25 £0 £0
Jobseekers Allowance
Contribution based (any age) £19.30 £4.90
Income based, aged 25 or over £19.30 £0
Income based, aged under 25 £0 £0
Employment & Support Allowance
Contribution based, any age £19.30 £4.90
Income related, aged 25 or over £19.30 £0
Income related, main phase, aged under 25 £19.30 £0
Income related, assessment phase, aged under 25 £0 £0
Universal Credit

Aged under 25, not working

£0 £0

Aged 25 or over, not working

£19.30 £0

Aged 18 or over, working under 16 hours



Aged 18 or over, working 16 hours or more

See next table

See next table

If your non-dependant works for 16 hours or more per week, we apply the following deductions.

The income levels shown are for gross pay (before any deductions for tax, National Insurance etc.), plus any other income they have such as Universal Credit, Tax Credits, interest from savings etc.

Gross income Housing Benefit deduction Council Tax Support deduction
£554 or more per week £124.55 £15.10
£445 to £553.99 per week £113.50 £12.60
£334 to £444.99 per week £99.65 £10.05
£256 to £333.99 per week £60.95 £10.05
£176 to £255.99 per week £44.40 £4.90
Under £176 per week £19.30 £4.90

In all other cases (such as non-dependants who work less than 16 hours or other non-dependants who aren't listed above), the charge is:

Housing Benefit deduction Council Tax Support deduction
£19.30 £4.90

If you would like any more information, please contact us.

Last updated: Mon 15 July, 2024 @ 12:39