Automated payments line: 01530 454730 or alternatively call 0161 6212979
You can pay for any of these things 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, by calling our automated payments line.
- Council tax
- Housing rent
- Business rates
- 'Sundry debtor' invoices (such as business waste collection, Piper Lifelines, paying back Housing Benefit overpayments and more)
- The unique payment reference number for the payment you are making
- Your debit/credit card details.
Once you have made your choice of payment, follow the pre-recorded messages and prompts.
Speak to a person
If you need help to make a payment over the phone, or need to talk to us about other issues at the same time, then call our Customer Service team on 01530 454545 (office hours only - find out more).
Our advisor will use the online payment service on your behalf to process the payment.
Last updated: Mon 27 November, 2023 @ 14:40