Physical activity guidelines/recommendations for children and young people.Why is physical activity important for children and young people?

For this age group, activity of any intensity should be encouraged, including moderate and vigorous physical activity for an average of 60 minutes per day across the week. This should involve activities that develop movement skills and increase muscle and bone strength. 

 The 6 Key Benefits of Moving More:

  • Builds confidence and social skills
  • Improves concentration and learning
  • Helps strengthen muscles and bones
  • Helps maintain a healthy weight
  • Boosts mood and self esteem
  • Improves motor skills, balance and co-ordination 

For more information on frequency and type of activities please read Physical Activity Guidelines for Children and Young People 5-18yrs (PDF Document, 0.31 Mb)

For information on activities you and your child can access across our district please find Activities for Children 5-18 Years

Last updated: Fri 28 July, 2023 @ 15:27