The Local Plan 1991 – 2006 was adopted on 22 August 2002 with three alterations subsequently adopted in 2004 and 2005.  It has since been superseded by the Local Plan 2011 - 2031.

A Copy of the superseded Local Plan Written Statement is available to view below - for historical information only.

North West Leicestershire Local Plan (PDF Document, 2.4 Mb)

The superseded Local Plan Proposals Maps are available to view below - for historical information only.

Proposals Map - North (PDF Document, 5.36 Mb)

Proposals Map - East (PDF Document, 4.99 Mb)

Proposals Map - West (PDF Document, 4.6 Mb)


Under the provisions of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004, policies in Local Plans were saved until 27th September 2007. The Council's Executive Board considered a report on the 19th December 2006 in respect of which policies the Council should ask the Secretary of State to save. Following this, the District Council made a request to the Secretary of State to save the agreed policies.

A schedule of the saved policies is available below - for historical information only:

Schedule of Saved Policies (PDF Document, 0.1 Mb)

Last updated: Thu 5 August, 2021 @ 16:35