Submission Consultation

After assessing responses to the ‘Pre-Submission’ consultation, Breedon on the Hill Parish Council has now formally submitted the ‘Submission’ version of the Breedon on the Hill Neighbourhood Plan to the District Council.  In accordance with Section 16 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012, we are consulting on the Neighbourhood Plan for six weeks, from Tuesday 16 July to Tuesday 27 August 2024.

Please complete the Breedon on the Hill NP Response Form (Word Document, 1.18 Mb) and either email it to or post it to Planning Policy, North West Leicestershire District Council, PO Box 11051, Coalville, LE67 0FW

We must receive responses must by the end of Tuesday 27 August 2024.

The documents for consultation are:

Next steps

We will appoint an independent examiner to hold a formal examination of the Neighbourhood Plan. All the consultation responses received will be sent to the examiner alongside the Neighbourhood Plan documents. The examiner will then decide on the format of the examination (either in writing or via a hearing).

Pre-submission Consultation

The Parish Council consulted on a draft version of its Neighbourhood Plan between 30 October and 11 December 2023. 

Breedon on the Hill Neighbourhood Plan Pre-Submission Draft (PDF Document, 17.94 Mb)

Neighbourhood Area Designation

In September 2020, Breedon on the Hill Parish Council applied to North West Leicestershire District Council for designation of a Neighbourhood Plan Area.

Regulation 5A of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 (as inserted by the 2016 The Neighbourhood Planning (General) and Development Management Procedure (Amendment) Regulations) requires that where an application for designation is received from a Parish Council and the area proposed to be designated consists of the whole of the Parish Council’s area then the application should be approved, without the need for consultation.

The area designation was therefore approved by North West Leicestershire District Council on 14 October 2020.

For more information visit the Breedon on the Hill Parish Council website 

Last updated: Wed 17 July, 2024 @ 12:31