The Over Fifties Forum is committed to:

Listening to and taking forward issues that are important to people as they become older.

Supporting older people in making their views known to the council and other organisations.

Reaching out to all groups and organisations that work with older people to ensure that they are central to the decision making processes.

The Forum has an open membership to encourage older residents, particularly the more isolated ones, to contribute their opinions.

Meetings can include guest speakers with no formal agenda.

If you would like to come to any of the meetings please contact the Resident Involvement Team on 01530 454736 or email

Meeting dates for 2024

Wednesday 27 March - meeting cancelled.

Wednesday 29 May - meeting cancelled.

Wednesday 24 July - meeting cancelled.

Wednesday 23 October - date and venue to be confirmed.

Last updated: Tue 2 July, 2024 @ 08:09