The Social Housing White Paper set the requirement for landlords to survey their tenants annually.  The questions asked have been developed and set by the Regulator of Social Housing.  

The results will allow you to be able to compare the performance of North West Leicestershire District Council (NWLDC) as your landlord with other social housing providers across the region and country.  The following results, together with ten separate Landlord Measures will be submitted to the Regulator from April 2024 with publication expected late summer 2024.

We provided the opportunity for every tenant to complete the survey during June and July 2023, as a minimum, the Regulator required 515 responses.

We actually received 1,187 replies returned by post or online, so thank you, the results are published below:

64%  Overall satisfaction with the housing service                                      

62%  Satisfaction with repairs                                                               

55%  Satisfaction with time taken to repair                                              

56%  Satisfaction with home maintenance                                               

64%  Satisfaction that you feel safe at home                                          

44%  Satisfaction that your landlord listens and acts                                

48%  Satisfaction that NWLDC keeps you well informed                            

60%  NWLDC is fair and respectful                                                           

26%  Satisfaction with complaints handling                                              

52%  Satisfaction with communal areas                                                   

44%  Satisfaction with your neighbourhood                                              

44%  Satisfaction with handling of anti-social behaviour    

In order to reflect the proportion of tenants living in sheltered/supported properties to those in general needs, which in North West Leicestershire is one in every four tenants, the results required slight adjustment by our external partners in this exercise, NWA Social & Market Research, by around 1% point in total.

Along with other landlords we are also required to publish a number of other key performance measures.

Building Safety

At 31st March 2024;

97.4% of homes which required gas safety checks had them.                                                                                                              

100% of home that required fire risk assessments them.

95.4 % of homes that required asbestos management surveys or re-inspections had them.

100% of homes that required legionella risk assessments had them.

100% of homes that required communal passenger lift safety checks had them.

Anti-social behaviour

In 2023/24

We opened 41 anti-social behaviour cases, opened per 1,000 homes.

1.7 new anti-social behaviour cases per 1000 homes involved hate incidents.

Decent Homes Standard and Repairs

At 31st March 2024

11.5% of our homes did not meet the Decent Homes Standard.

92.7% of non-emergency responsive repairs were completed within our target timescale.

98.8% of emergency responsive repairs were completed within our target timescale.


In 2023/24                                                                                                                               

We received 36.8 stage one complaints received per 1,000 homes.

We received 11.9 stage two complaints received per 1,000 homes.

76.9% of stage one complaints were responded to within the Housing Ombudsman’s Complaint Handling Code timescales.

67.3% of stage two complaints were responded to within the Housing Ombudsman’s Complaint Handling Code timescales.                                                                                                              

Last updated: Fri 12 July, 2024 @ 09:15